5 Crock Pot Recipes to Get You Lean

Long and busy days make it difficult to put a healthy meal on the table at night. Most crock pot recipes are too heavy and rich to fall in line with your fat loss plans. The combination makes it dang near impossible to juggle all the balls. Unless, you have 5 crock pot recipes that … Read more

The Good Morning Workout

morning workout

You wake up in the morning all stiff and sore. Some people can hop right out of bed and go for a run or do an intense workout. Not you. You need a morning workout that will make you feel looser before parking your butt behind a desk for the rest of the day. This … Read more

5 Mason Jar Recipes: Meal Prep Your Full Menu!

So, I am sure that you have seen the mason jar recipes before. Most of the time they are salads, and they are so cute!! Using this idea, I decided to come up with a menu for an entire day that can be meal prepped in mason jars. Mason jars are not only cute, but … Read more