2018 has arrived! This is a big year for me. I graduate college this year. I am exponentially growing my business this year. My goals circle around changing the lives of women through fitness, my own health, and changes for the future. I am sure that you have goals for 2018 as well. So how can we start achieving those goals, especially the ones we have tried to achieve before? This article will give you four easy steps to achieving goals in 2018!
Step 1: Write Those Goals DOWN

Writing things down, being able to see them on paper makes an enormous difference when it comes to actually achieving goals. When they are a vague idea in your head, you don’t have the black on white reminder to get your butt in gear. Take ten minutes to sit down and write out your goals, then post them somewhere you will see them everyday.
Step 2: Make an Action PLAN

Now that you have those goals written down, it is time to figure out HOW to make them happen. For example, one of my goals for 2018 is to be able to do a full split. My actions steps to achieving this goal is to: stretch for at least 1 hour per week, in 4 15 minute sessions. Take progress pictures to see how far I come each month. Stretch after the shower so that my muscles are warm. Spend extra time stretching after leg day to keep the muscles loose. I do this bullet style. I write the goal, underline it, then bullet my action steps under the goal. Keep it around 3-5 steps for each goal. Anymore than 5 and you will feel overwhelmed. Any less than 3 and you may not be breaking it down far enough. This will get you a long way to achieving goals in 2018!
Step 3: Take Small STEPS

You know those action steps you wrote down for each goal? Take them in little steps. If you try to do everything at once, then you will get overwhelmed and most likely get nothing done at all. Also make sure that you are not trying to focus on ALL of your goals at the same time. You can definitely do several things at once, for example reading 4 books this year while also getting in shape while also growing your career. However, it is OK to prioritize your goals. For example, your health is super important, therefore those actions steps get done first. Then, you want to grow your career so those actions steps come next. Then you want to read 4 books this year, so maybe you take 10-15 minutes before bed every night to read. Small steps lead to big results!
Step 4: Find Someone to Keep You ACCOUNTABLE

Having someone to make sure you are staying on track is a vital part of achieving your goals. This is someone you share your goals with, someone who helps you create your actions steps, then makes sure you are actually taking those actions steps. This can be a friend, a significant other, or a coach. Just make sure it is going to be someone who pushes you to be your best!
Wrap Up
DPSA. Write them down. Plan them out. Take steps. Stick to it. You got this! If you are interested in having someone keep you accountable to your fitness goals, click here! What is one of your goals for 2018? Drop it in the comments!