Every week you scroll through Instagram and see all of the #transformationtuesday posts. They get you fired up, but then when push comes to shove you don’t follow through with your own transformation. True transformations take real time and real effort. The IG posts might get you jacked up and motivated, but they don’t actually help you transform. This article will give you a breakdown of 5 steps you can take to create your own #transformationtuesday!
Step 1: Set Your Goal
If you don’t have a clear goal set, you will never accomplish your transformation. Sit down for ten minutes and write about how you feel in your skin and what you want to feel like. Now, take that and look at it. What is your goal? Build muscle? Lose fat? Have a butt? Be healthier? All of these things are so possible! Once you have your general goal, set a clear and measurable goal.
Your measurable goal should be, well, measurable. If your goal is to build muscle, then you might have a goal of growing your legs by 2 inches or your butt by 3 inches. If you want to lose fat, your goal might be to lose 10lbs, or lose 5 inches overall, etc. Is your goal to be healthier? Then your goal would be to hit your micro-nutrients everyday. You don’t have to use these exact measurable goals to hit your overall goal, they are just examples Write your goal down and stick it where you can see it everyday.
If you want some help determining what those goals are, click here to hop on a free phone call with me to figure them out!
Step 2: Create a Timeline
So now you have your general goal and your measurable goal. If you give yourself unlimited time to accomplish those goals, then it will take you unlimited time to do so (a/k/a it won’t get done ). I personally like to set several timelines so that I have both short and long-term goals.
For example, say your goal is to lose 20lbs. A healthy amount of weight to lose per week is 1lb. It is also healthy to come out of a deficit for short times during your cut, usually for 5 days every 4-5 weeks. So that means a sustainable, not going to be miserable, long-term timeline for your goal would be 23 weeks. So, 23 weeks is about 6 months. Your 3 month goal would be to be down 10lbs in 3 months. Then, your monthly goal would be to be down 3-4 pounds per month. Then, your weekly goal would be to lose 1lb. Your daily goals would be to exercise, drink water, and eat properly!
Broken down this way, your goal seems a lot more manageable! Remember, true transformations will not happen overnight. This is a marathon, not a sprint!
Step 3: Spread the Word
When you tell people about your goal, then someone is going to holding you accountable. This can be done through social media (join my free FB group here!), telling your loved ones, or hiring a coach.
Posting it on social media is a great way to go, but it can be hard to actually get accountability because no one is regularly checking in on you.
Telling your loved ones is great because they are there with you a lot. However, they have a hard time kicking you off the couch to go do your workout sometimes.
If you are stuck or just getting started working on your transformation, hiring a coach is going to be your best bet. This is someone who is an expert in the field and has no problem telling you how to get things done! (click here to apply to work with me!)
When spreading the word, be sure to tell what your goal is and what your timeline is!
Step 4: Get a Game Plan
When you want to create your transformation, having a game plan is a #gamechanger. Do you want to count macros? Clean eating? Lift? Which days do you want to workout? How often are you going to workout?
It is best to figure these things out so that you don’t have any excuses to stop 2 days in.
Find or create a workout plan. There are tons of free ones out there, or get a coach to create a customized one for you.
Start just cleaning up your diet. Focus on eating 4-5 servings of protein, 4-5 servings of carbs, and 3-4 servings of fat per day with 4-5 servings of veggies!
Write this down! Don’t just have your game plan in your head, have it down on paper too!
This probably should have been step 1, but if you did steps 1-4 you have already been taking action. Don’t worry if things are not perfect. If you consistently take action towards your goal, your transformation will happen before you know it! Just take small steps. Start cleaning up your diet and working out 90-120 minutes per week. I believe in you!
Wrap Up Transformation
Your transformation is right around the corner. You just have to give up waiting to get motivated and just do it. Literally that is all you need to do. So, stop reading this blog post and the other 500 you have already read on how to transform and go start taking action!