Step by Step Guide to Losing 10 Pounds in 30 Days

You already know the goal of this post. By the time you are done reading, you should know EXACTLY what steps you need to start taking to lose 10lbs in 30 days. This losing 10 pounds in 30 days guide is different from any other one you have ever read before for one reason: it is sustainable. Once the 30 days are over, you will be able to maintain your results effortlessly.

Step 1- Movement

losing 10 pounds in 30 days

You are not going to lose those last 10 pounds by sitting on your bum wishing for it to happen. You also won’t lose those last 10 pounds by running your bum off on the treadmill for an hour everyday. There is a single and essential element to this losing 10 pounds in 30 days guide: BALANCE.

This balance in the movement step is going to look like a balance between resistance and cardio training. This has been the best combination for myself and my clients to get lasting results QUICKLY. If you really want to lose those last 10 pounds in the next 30 days, you better be ready to work in the gym.

The Program

This program requires a full gym. You will be performing a lift 3-5 times per week and cardio 2-4 times per week! This program is completely free, just click here to get your copy!

Step 2- Nutrition

There are several ways you can go about losing 10 pounds in 30 days. Some, like IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros), is going to be a more sustainable approach for you because it will allow you to indulge in your favorite holiday foods WITHOUT giving up your goals.

IIFYM is a great approach for those who want more flexibility in their plan. If you want results fast, this is a great approach because it is easy to make adjustments. Also, I love this approach because it teaches correct portion sizes and it takes the guilt out of food. While emphasis should always been on whole, natural foods, IIFYM allows you to eat the occasional Oreo or have an egg nog without the guilt.

When you are trying to hit a specific goal in a specific time frame, like we are here, tracking your calories and macros is going to be the best approach because it allows you to make adjustments. These adjustments can be made easily and pretty accurately, as long as you have been accurate about tracking your intake.

How Do You Set Your Macros?


First, calculate your basal metabolic rate. This is how many calories you are burning at rest.

BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years)

Then, calculate your TDEE. This is your total daily energy expenditure, which is how many calories you need to maintain.


If you currently exercise 6+ times per week, use: BMR x 1.65 = your TDEE If you currently exercise 3-5 times per week, use: BMR x 1.5 = your TDEE If you currently exercise 1-2 times per week, use: BMR x 1.35 = your TDEE If you currently exercise 0 times per week, use: BMR x 1.2 = your TDEE

Then depending on your goal, adjust the calories as stated below.

Add muscle: add at least 500 calories, depending on activity level. If you are an extremely active person (burning 500+ calories per day due to exercise), add 750 calories.

Maintenance: use your TDEE.

Weight Loss: subtract 200-500 calories.


Set protein to 1-1.5g per pound of bodyweight. Then, use .35-.45g fat per pound of bodyweight. Use the rest of your calories for carbs!

Let’s do an example. Say you are 150lbs, 30 years, old, and 64 inches tall.

Your BMR would be 655+(4.35 x 150)+(4.7 x 64)-(4.7 x 30)= 1467.30.

Now, say you exercise 3-5x per week. Take 1467.30 x 1.5= 2200. This is your maintenance.

To add muscle, start at around 2400 and add 50 calories each week to your daily goal.

To lose weight, start at around 2000 and decrease calories by 50 each week from your daily goal.

Example 12 Week Breakdown

Week 1: 2000 cals

Week 2: 1950 cals

Week 3: 1900 cals

Week 4: 1850 cals

Week 5: Diet Break, go back to maintenance calories.

Week 6: 1850 cals

Week 7: 1800 cals

Week 8: 1750 cals

Week 9: 1700 cals

Week 10: Diet Break, go back to maintenance calories

Week 11: 1700 cals

Week 12: 1650 cals

This was using the example person above. Adjust for your own numbers! If you want more in-depth help with this, I am currently offering a holiday deal on a 12 week customized macro program+recipes+coaching! Click here to find out how you can accelerate your results even more! Losing 10 pounds in 30 days just went from seeming impossible to being the easiest thing you will do this holiday season.

Step 3- Water

I know I could have put water in with the nutrition section, but it is SOOO important. Like, it needed its own section it is THAT important.

Please try to get a gallon of water in each day. Slowly build your way up by adding 8 ounces each day to your intake until you are taking in 128 ounces per day. Trust me, it’s easier than you think once you get used to it!

A few tips to get your water in without gagging: use Mio, frozen fruit, or sliced lemons to flavor your water. I alternate between one cup of flavored and one cup of plain water. Also, if you live in a cold climate like me, getting your water in can be hard because you are already freezing your behind off. Drink warm water.

Step 4- Mindset

This one is what separates those of you who will actually win at losing 10 pounds in 30 days and those who do not. As impossible as it may seem, if you commit to giving this your all, to believing that if you stick with it the process will work, and to releasing all your old beliefs about what is right or wrong you will lose 10 pounds in 30 days.

A few tips:

  1. Write down your goal and put it where you will see it everyday. The fridge usually works well for me 😉
  2. Plan out your week every Sunday night. Starting with no intentions and no plan is a recipe for disaster.
  3. Every week write down what you did well that week and what you want to work on improving in the coming week.

That is it. That simple Sam.

So… You Ready to Start Losing 10 Pounds in 30 Days?

I urge you NOT to wait to start this program! You literally have EVERYTHING that you need to lose 10 pounds in the next 30 days. Now all you have to do is START. So, get your bum off the couch and get started.

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