Tis the season for yummy treats. The holidays are the “perfect” time and excuse to add a few extra pounds. I am absolutely not saying that you shouldn’t enjoy some sinful food with your family. However, it can be extremely hard to break the dessert habit that can be acquired during the holiday season. These 5 quick and easy desserts will allow you to enjoy dessert without the added guilt!
Fudgy Paleo Brownies

Paleo Vanilla Almond Butter Ice Cream

This recipe wouldn’t be an instant satisfaction dessert as it takes 90 minutes to chill. However, it makes this list of quick and easy desserts because it takes 5 minutes to whip up and it has 5 ingredients. This dessert is awesome as a stand alone ice cream but also pairs nicely with other quick and easy desserts on this list (hint: the brownie above!). If you are anything like me, the fact that its about 25 degrees outside during the holidays doesn’t stop me from wanting this creamy cold treat! Get the recipe here at Joy Food Sunshine!
3 Ingredient Chocolate Cake

3 ingredients?! Can you beat that for a chocolate cake? I know I sure couldn’t. I lack the willpower to turn down chocolate cake period. Enter this quick and easy dessert. This chocolate cake takes 15 minutes to make and includes 3 simple ingredients that you most likely already possess. The cake is fluffy and super chocolaty, fulfilling all of your dessert desires without wreaking your hard work in the gym! The best part is, you can throw all the ingredients in the blender and go. How much better can it get? Get the recipe here at KptnCook!
Healthy Cake Batter Dip for One

This is one that you won’t be sharing! Remember fighting your sibling over who got to lick the spoon after making a cake? Here is the big girl version of cake batter that is packed full of protein. With excellent consistency, great macros, and a delicious taste this cake batter will become your go to dessert for the foreseeable future! Takes less than 5 minutes to whip up, so you will get your dessert almost the instant you want it! Grab the recipe here at The Big Man’s World!
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Protein Balls

Cookie dough is truly the ultimate dessert. Sneaking a spoonful every time you make cookies is bound to happen. But how are those sneaks affecting your waistline? Probably not in the way you want. Try whipping up a batch of these cookie dough protein balls to kill your cravings and give your workout an extra punch! Get the recipe here at Bodybuilding.com!
There you have it! Those are my top five quick and easy desserts that help get me through the holidays. You don’t need to deprive yourself during this festive time, just be conscious about what and how much you are putting into your mouth! Do you have any quick and easy dessert recipes? If so, drop them in the comments so that I can check them out!